Jonah Blaine

A mommy blog all about great products for mommy and baby.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Bumbleride Indie Twin Stroller

The Shopping Mama is hosting a giveaway for a Bumbleride Indie Twin stroller.  This stroller is amazing.  It is really lightweight and it comes in many different colors.  If you are in need of a twin stroller you must check it out here.  

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The cutest shoes ever.

See Kai Run

I am in love with this shoe company, See Kai Run.  It was started by a mom who wanted to have a better option for shoes for her son.  I find these shoes are very classic and can go with several outfits.  I appreciate that they have a boys line that included many different styles.  Usually companies offer many girls styles and not enough options for boys.  The soft leather used in these shoes allows a toddlers foot to develop properly.  See Kai Run has won the iParent Outstanding Product Award for 2009.  I love the Brylon style and hope to soon purchase these great shoes for my little guy. Visit their website here.  You will love these shoes. 

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Prince Lionheart Wheely

Forgive my absence.  I had to go back to work and I have been so busy.  But now I am back to the mommy and baby blogging business!  I was searching the web this morning and found these adorable little scooters.  I love them.  I have been fantasizing about Jonah's first Christmas and what we should get him and this is on top of my list!  You can find them here.  

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I love, love, love, Zutano clothing for children.  They have a new line just for newborns (the Itzy Bitzy Boutique) that is to die for. I love the owl print.  I wish I discovered them before my son was born because I would have found the perfect take home outfit from the hospital.  The Life of a MOdern Housewife is offering a $75.00 GIft Certificate to Zutano on her blog.  You can enter the contest here.  Good Luck!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Inside a Baby's Head

Here is an interesting article from about a book written about what goes on inside a baby's brain.  You can read it here